


Iris is a Secretary, bodyguard, assassin and an Executive Assistant for her boss Mr. Ching.

Real name:
  • Executive Assistant
  • Nakiko Inaba
  • Ms. Im
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Escape Artist
  • Gadgets
  • Intellect
  • Marksmanship
  • Stealth
  • Swordsmanship
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Weapon Master


As a young girl Iris attended a special training academy in China to become an Executive Assistant. She was a victim of bullying and swore to herself that she would never wanted to be a victim again. In the academy she met Rose and Lily. Lily was the champion of the academy, she won every fight until she had to fight Iris who easily defeated her. Now Iris was the champion and Lily had to leave the academy.

Iris had a friend named Violet who wasn't nearly as good as she and therefore was tortured even more than the other girls. This eventually leads to the fact that she gets separated from the other girls by being moved to another location. Iris was curious where her friend was brought and discovered a truth that shocked her monumentally because the location was severely run down, the worst condition one could imagine. Her friend was traded to a person who led a club and was never seen again.

Life as an Assassin

When a business deal between Iris´ boss Mr. Ching and the Russian Nikolai Krilov fails, Iris who not only is a secretary but also a bodyguard and assassin for her boss gets the assignment to convince Krilov to sign the business contract. She makes a visit to Krilov´s manor where she brutally kills all of his guards. But she doesn't kill his family, she only places the contract in his child´s room to achieve that he will sign the contract.

Her next mission takes her to Afghanistan where she bestially takes out a terrorist group that wanted to kidnap her boss. Later that week in a business meeting with his partners Mr. Ching is not to pleased with one of his partners - Mr. Chu. He later instructs Iris to get rid of him. For this she has to travel to Century City ( Los Angeles) where Mr. Chu and his family are on vacation. While he sleeps, Iris infects him with a poison. But when she joins his funeral she sees how desperate the widow and her child are and for the first time Iris questions what she is doing for her boss.

After a further dis-pleasant meeting for Mr. Ching with his silent partners, he is attacked by his silent partners´ henchmen and Iris saves him again. That leads to the fact that now his silent partners have to be executed.

Iris is send to Monte Carlo, France where she has to kill Victor Hwang. For this she seduces Hwang´s right hand man Marc Sauro (and takes him out later) to get the information where Hwang spends his spare time (a yacht). Before being able to take out Hwang Iris has to confront Rose, Hwang´s Executive Assistant. Iris can defeat her and eventually kills not only Hwang but also his mother by blowing up his yacht.

The next person on Mr. Ching´s list is Takeo Suzuki and so Iris has to travel Tokyo, Japan. She infiltrates Suzuki´s empire as a card dealer. But unfortunately she meets Lily who recognizes her and so her disguise is compromised. Iris fights Suzuki´s henchman and barely escapes. But she gets help by Lily who kills Suzuki.

Now Iris and Lily work together as Iris next target is Shuji Wai Hong Li, the leader of the Academy where Iris learned everything she knows today. The Academy got so successful that now it resembles a military base with lots of guards. Lily manages to persuade other Executive Assistants who are like-minded in wanting Li dead to join them. But first Iris has to visit the old Academy to relive her past and swears that something disgusting as it happened to her friend Violet never should happen again. At the new Academy Lily provides a distraction for Iris to intrude into the building. Lily and her team kill the guards but then also have to face the students of the Academy but Lily manages to persuade them to fight against their tormentor. Meanwhile Iris has to face two other Executive Assistants, Li´s protectors but they are no match for her and so it´s face to face with her old teacher.

Love life

Dennis Rucker tries his best to land in her pants. Although she seems to have a crush on him too. But her job dominates her life so when she is on a date with him she insists to leave after a call by her boss. She is devoted to him so that she even sleeps with her employer. But he sees everything as a game and even encourages her to meet Mr. Rucker again. But a few days later he tells Iris that Mr. Rucker is a nuisance who has to be dealt with. However, Iris ignores her boss for the first time and dates Dennis furthermore and even kisses him. Iris really seems to like him because she even meets with his mum.


Iris´ dragon tattoo
Iris´ dragon tattoo

Hair: Black, very long

Tattoo: Dragon, covering the whole body

Height: 5' 7"

Training: Various forms of martial arts, lethal and non-lethal

Known Attire: Formal business suit, Chinese robes, stealth suit, armored gloves, stilettos, ninja suit

Weapons: Jian, pistol, SMG


May 2008

April 2009

May 2009

July 2009

August 2009

September 2009

April 2010

May 2010

June 2010

October 2010

June 2011

July 2011

August 2011

September 2011

October 2011

November 2011

December 2012

January 2013

February 2013

March 2013

May 2013

June 2013

September 2013















