


A vampire hunter who is a half vampire himself, Quinlan recruits Gus in order to help him and his crew take down The Master.

Real name:
Quintus Sertorius
Birth date:
  • Immortal
  • Leadership
  • Marksmanship
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Swordsmanship
  • Tracking
  • Vampirism
  • Weapon Master
First issue:

The vampire who would be known as Quilan was born two thousand years ago in 40AD in the Roman Empire during the reign of Caligula. The Emperor's advisor was none other than the Master, one of the seven original vampires, who in exchange for council was given a number of female virgins to feed on. In one of these feasts, one of his victims was revealed to have been pregnant and while he was distracted by the surprise, she fought him off and escaped. She eventually became a vampire and gave birth to a hybrid son. Her attachment to him was strong enough to overcome the control the Master has over all other vampires and they lived together inside a cave, where they feasted in the blood of the nearby mortals.

When the boy was ten years old, the Master found their cavern and killed his mother and forcing him to flee. He traveled around the world and fought in the arenas as a gladiator. He was known as the "Night Demon of Sicily". His skill was unparalleled, felling all champions and beasts and one day he was noticed by Faustus Sertorius, a Roman senator with knowledge about the dark arts who knew that the boy really was. He adopted him, named him Quintus Sertorius (his first name being a reference to being the fifth hybrid known that was born out of vampires and humans) and he was made a legionnaire in the Third Legion.

Quintus became a proficient killer and served many Emperors throughout his life, fighting the Persians, Goths, Huns and Vandals, and his legion only grew. He was approached by the Ancients, who became aware of his existence and tried to recruit him as their agent, but he refused as he wanted no part in the feud against the Master. Quintus settled for a life as farmer and took a former slave girl as his wife, and adopted her daughter as he was unable to have children. They lived together for a time until the Master found them and turned his loved ones into vampires. Quintus was forced to kill them and then joined the Ancients, now seeking revenge against his father.

Powers and Abilities

Quinlan has the typical powers of vampires but none of their weaknesses such as silver and sunlight. He lacks the blood worms that run in vampires' veins and has control of his own mind, instead of being another vessel to the Master. Quinlan has supposedly no equal in combat, having being trained as a gladiator and a Roman legionnaire, he was able to overcome his father, an Ancient Vampire himself, in several occasions. Like all vampires, Quinlan is immortal, having lived for nearly two millenia by the time of his first appearance without aging.


January 2013

August 2013

September 2013

October 2013

December 2013

September 2014

October 2014

November 2014

August 2015

September 2016

October 2016

November 2016

December 2016

January 2017








