
B'enn B'urnzz

B'enn B'urnzz

B'enn B'urnzz was a criminal Martian from the year 2062 who went on a crime spree in 1962 before being captured by Martian Manhunter and Futureman.

B'enn B'urnzz
Real name:
Birth date:
  • Flight
  • Invulnerability
  • Sonic Scream
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Unarmed Combat


One hundred years in the future, a criminal Martian named B'enn B'urnzz was hiding out on Earth. Local authorities flushed B'urnzz out with a special anti-Martian multi-weapon, then pursued him into a laboratory. There, B'urnzz found a newly developed time machine, which he used to escape into the past. In the city of Middleton, B'urnzz became involved with a local band of gangsters, helping them to rob a bank.

In the meantime, an armed officer dubbed "Futureman" followed B'urnzz in a spare time machine, but mistook local hero Martian Manhunter for the criminal. In their ensuing struggle, J'onn J'onzz broke the multi-weapon, but also resolved the identity confusion. The Martian Manhunter joined the pursuit of B'enn B'urnzz, whom he fought in the streets for hours to a stalemate. Finally, the Alien Atlas decided to use a mutual Martian weakness, fire, to bring the criminal down. The Manhunter encircled B'urnzz with gasoline, Futureman lit a match, and the officer soon returned to his time with his fugitive in tow.

Powers & Abilities

B'enn B'urnzz displayed many common Martian abilities, such as superhuman strength, incredible speed, nigh-invulnerability, and flight. One of his uncommon skills was spinning in place at supersonic speed to create high frequency sonics capable of blasting through a bank vault. B'urnzz likely possessed a full compliment of Martian powers, as evidenced by his parity with the Martian Manhunter in extended unarmed combat. Being from the future, he may have developed additional powers, such as the speed frequency trick mentioned above, although he did not display any.


July 1962



