
Behemoth Remote Controlled Tank

Behemoth Remote Controlled Tank

This advanced, glossy black tank was an advanced, remote controlled weapon of war that Krotze International had developed for the Department of Defense to wage war without putting American soldiers at risk.

Behemoth Remote Controlled Tank
Start year:

A weapon of war, the Behemoth was meant to be the next generation of battle tanks; however, several peculiar engineering shortfalls prevented the model from taking off. Though government contractors, the engineers of Krotze International are likely to cover these in the next model. 
One of the most notable features of the Behemoth tank is its glossy black metal shell. This shell provides the tank remarkable protection from harm, which is padded and insulated enough to spread this protection equally versus both physical and energy damage. 
The most interesting feature of the Behemoth, however, is that it is piloted from a distance by remote control. There is nobody inside the tank driving it, and there is no radio transceiver broadcasting directions back and forth; its all done via fiber optic tether, which is virtually invisible (unless yer looking for it, of course).

The trick with the Behemoth, and the cause of its eventual defeat at Spitfire's hands, is that there is no backup for the tether; sure, the fiber optic line is practically invisible, but it can be cut by opponents on purpose or incidentally, and if this happens, the Behemoth is dead in the water, uncontrollable by anybody. Smooth engineering move, that.


November 1986
