
Beta Ring

Beta Ring

In the Gold Digger Universe Beta Technology involves devices that operate/exist in more than one phase of reality. The Beta Ring was the first attempt by Penny and Gina to create and build a Beta tool.

Beta Ring
Start year:
First issue:


Millions of years ago in the Gold Digger Universe, there existed a race of intelligent Saurans (Dinosaurs) on Earth with an advanced civilization.  Their technology was based on being able to operate/exist in two phases of reality at the same time. Penny Pincer  who discovered the City of Civ-Alpha  4 miles below the Nevada desert has been working with and reverse engineering the tech for modern day use with the help of Gina Diggers. 

The Beta Ring was the first attempt at creating a SIMPLE  piece of Beta technology. 

It's actual weight if it were completly in one phase of reality would be over 73 tons,.. and much larger than it appears in our phase of reality. The physical/visual portion of it in our phase of reality weighs about two pounds and absorbs all light in our visual spectrum,  but it manipulates and allows the bearer to use the 73 tons of mass inherent in it without concerns for weight or inertia.      The example given in the series is the amount of damage you could do if you could wave a tank around on the end of your arm. 
Apparent Uses:

  1. Can absorb and redirect energy in what could be called an arrestor field that uses that energy for other applications.
  2. Negating Gravity, allowing the bearer to float, or Fly.
  3. Force field, allowing the bearer to survive everything up to punching through miles of rock as though it were air. 
  4. Intuitive Artificial intelligence that assists the bearer in attacking opponents. 

It could probably do more seeing as 72.9  tons of the device is in another universe out of the way.


June 1998

July 1998

September 1998

October 1998
