
Guardian Exoskeleton

Guardian Exoskeleton

Original Guardian armor composed of steel mesh which served as an exoskeleton; it allowed him to fly, fire energy blasts and had a personal force field for defense.

Guardian Exoskeleton
Start year:

James Hudson’s original terra-forming exoskeleton was designed for geological/oil-exploration. The armored suit that would enable the wearer to bore through the earth in exploring for oil or other geological resources. The basic blue/black body-suit was supported by layers of orange metal exo-structure, including massive boots and gloves connected to the main suit by hoses and bracers to help him move the heavy components. Hudson’s cybernetic helmet was a skullcap at the core of the headgear, surrounded by an elaborate collar presumably for neck support or to protect his head from cave-ins while tunneling. Hudson resigned from Am-Can when he learned that his superior, Jerome Jaxon, intended to turn the exploratory suit over to the American military, which would use it as a weapon. Determined to prevent Jaxon from implementing his plan, Hudson went to an Am-Can complex one night, secretly donned the suit, and then used its power to destroy Am-Can’s plans for its construction. Hudson then used the suit’s flying capability to escape.


September 1983

October 1983

December 1985

May 1994
