
Marc Sumerak

Marc Sumerak

Marc is a freelance writer, and is currently best known as the writer of multiple Marvel Comics projects including Marvel Age: Fantastic Four, and Ororo: Before the Storm.

Marc Sumerak
Birth date:
Home town:

Marc began his writing career over a decade ago with Abandoned Warehouse Press, an online publisher. Along with high school friend Jerry Negrelli, Sumerak wrote dozens of titles, and co-created hundreds of off-beat characters.

While earning his BFA in Creative Writing at Bowling Green State University, Sumerak had the life-changing opportunity while at Bowling Green State University. While studying for his BFA in Creative Writing, he moved to NYC and spend a semester working as a Marvel Comics editorial intern.

After completing his internship, Sumerak was asked to write the AVENGERS CASEBOOK 1999. Afterwards, Sumerak got the call from Marvel offering him a coveted position on the editorial staff. Sumerak moved back to NYC to join the Marvel editorial team. During his time on staff, he worked as Assistant Editor to Senior Editor Tom Brevoort on volumes including Avengers, Fantastic Four, Thor, Iron Man and more.

Sumerak also edited a number of his own titles during his time on staff, including Agent-X, Inhumans and the Sentinel -- a book whose original concept was proposed and developed by Sumerak.

Sumerak left Marvel's editorial staff at the end of 2003, and returned to his hometown of Cleveland to pursue freelance writing work. Soon he was once again working with Marvel Comics, now as a writer. Sumerak pitched and developed his own series, the Guardians.

Others projects have followed, including [[Marvel Age: Fantastic Four:vol:10865]], ORORO: BEFORE THE STORM, and the award nominated FRANKLIN RICHARDS: SON OF A GENIUS. Sumerak has also been fortunate enough to create brand new characters and series for Marvel in both Guardians and Machine Teen.

Sumerak has also written for other companies, including DC.


November 1999

December 1999

September 2000

November 2000

December 2000

January 2001

February 2001

March 2001

April 2001

May 2001







