
Big Bang Comics

Big Bang Comics

A brand of comics featuring heroes that are homages to the heroes of the Golden and Silver ages. Many of the heroes are based on popular characters already in existence.

Big Bang Comics

Big Bang first appeared in 1994 with a 5 issue mini-series. Many of their heroes and stories are created to recreate Golden and silver age comics. Most of the heroes have been modeled after D.C characters and some based on Marvel characters. The Big Bang Comic universe consists predominantly of 2 Earths. Earth A and B, Earth A is grounded in the 1960's and Earth B takes place in the 1940's.
Heroes Include:
Ultiman - Superman
Knight Watchman - Batman
Kid Galahad - Robin
Beacon - Green Lantern
Blitz - The Flash
Bluebird - Black Canary
 An independent movie about the Knights of Justice (version of the JLA/JSA) was made along with a role playing game.


July 2006

September 2006

November 2006

February 2007

April 2007

August 2007




Teams in volume