
Night Phoenix Press

Night Phoenix Press

Night Phoenix Press is the publishing division of TimeCode Mechanics and is home to the characters Victor Locke Demon Hunter, Decoy, Nightevil, Zombie Girl and of course, Night Phoenix as well as many others. Night Phoenix Press also publishes the Blastback Role Play System.

Night Phoenix Press

Current Personnel

  • Nathyn Brendan Masters: Owner and Head Creator
  • Leliah Pacheo: Lead colorist and Art Editor


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Night Phoenix Press was founded in 2006 when Nathyn Masters published "Night Phoenix" Issue 1 and "Epitaph: Beginning of the End" issues 1. These books were written and drawn by him with Night Phoenix being full color and Epitaph being black and white. Masters sold copies of these books at conventions, but they had a very limited reach.

The original plan was for superhero comic Night Phoenix to be full color and Epitaph to be black and white, but later decided both should be black and white. But later decided both would be color. Masters would go on to draw issue 2 of "Beginning of the End" and part of 3.

Masters wanted to hit conventions again and wanted Epitaph to be the hub of the company where most of the characters, including Night Phoenix, would be introduced. Unsatisfied by the overall production and look of the black and white urban fantasy comic, Masters had the series retooled and redrawn in 2009 by Joseph Canave and colored by Kayla Swain, Tricia Cunningham and later Lelia Pacheco. He removed Night Phoenix, choosing to release the titular character in his own book, but he did re-introduce Victor Locke, Zombie Girl, Nightevil and Damious.

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Masters would go on to draw two issues of Victor Locke Demon Hunter introducing the character Decoy a.k.a Etsuji Hayashi, a man who died from being fed on by vampires and was resurrected with vampire like powers. This comic book also introduced us to ex-Sisterhood of Lilith Breeders Rahaab Diab, Katrina Knox and Jill Morgan. Decoy is a friend and Ally of Victor Locke.

Masters discontinued publishing as he began producing movies for his Youtube channel. With the book out he wrote, produced and directed the movie "Epitaph: Bread and Salt", released in 2013 then finally remastered of all the books in 2017 and started offering their books on Amazon and Comixology, but pulled them to remaster them again for crowdfunding and direct sales.

In 2018 - 2020 Night Phoenix Press published Victor Locke Demon Hunter: Demon Noir, the collected edition of Epitaph Bread and Salt and a 16 page and extended version of Hexcraft Mechanics: Ultimate Control (Formerly Epitaph: Ultimate Control) introducing several new characters Loren's father Natas Talbane, a soul stealing succubus called Serpina and her "administrator" Soul Fyre (commonly known as Fyre) and vampire with a soul named Bad Karma.

Night Phoenix Press also publishes the sci-fi, supernatural, superhero, escape horror Role Playing Game "Blastback" which is slated for re-release in 2022. The game is set in the Night Phoenix Press universe and is open source allowing others to create their own material for the game and profit from it.


Currently Night Phoenix Press is working on rebooting Night Phoenix and Victor Locke Demon Hunter as well as rebranding and rebooting the Epitaph franchise under the name CurseRisen with all new art and script and with more cohesive story elements.


November 2017

February 2018





Teams in volume