
"Hellblazer" Dangerous Habits

"Hellblazer" Dangerous Habits

Diagnosed with lung cancer, John Constantine is willing to do anything it takes in order to survive.

"Hellblazer" Dangerous Habits

After finding out that he has non-operable lung cancer, John Constantine begins his own personal quest to get rid of it.

His journey begins with a visit to an old friend in Ireland, only to find out that his friend is dying as well. John manages to save his friend's soul from the First of the Fallen, tricking the devil into drinking holy water.

This is a move that has its consequences, however. Not able to find any other cures, Constantine makes a deal with the Trimuverate, a group of demons that currently rule Hell. He promises his soul to two of the three, then proceeds to kill himself. The two demons and the First of the Fallen agree to cure his cancer as to avoid a civil war in hell.

Collected Editions

  • Hellblazer: Dangerous Habits


May 1991

June 1991

July 1991

August 1991

September 1991

October 1991



Characters in volume

Died in volume

Concepts in volume

Locations in volume

Authors in volume

Teams in volume

Disbanded in volume

Characters first appearance

Concepts first appearance