
"X-Men: Legacy" From Genesis to Revelations

"X-Men: Legacy" From Genesis to Revelations

"From Genesis to Revelations" is a comic book arc running through #208-210 of X-Men: Legacy. This arc is a part of Divided We Stand.

"X-Men: Legacy" From Genesis to Revelations

Creative Team

  • Writer(s) - Mike Carey

  • Penciller(s) - Scot Eaton, John Romita Jr (#208), Billy Tan (#209), Greg Land (#210)

  • Inker(s) - John Dell, Klaus Janson (#208), Billy Tan (#209), Jay Leisten (#210)

  • Colorist(s) - Frank D'Armata, Christina Strain (#208), Brian Reber (#209)

  • Letterer(s) - Unknown (#208), Cory Petit (#209)

  • Editor(s) - Axel Alonso, Nick Lowe, Will Panzo

  • Cover(s) - David Finch


X-Men has been renamed! Dealing with the events of Messiah CompleX, as new things are revealed? What happened to Professor X? What happened to his body? Where is his body? And which villain makes his return: but what is he friend and foe?

Professor. X is back! After a successful attempt by Omega Sentinel, and that's right, you guessed it, the villain Magneto! But old Mags isn't a mutant anymore, so expect his old allies the Acolytes to have something to say about it!

Telepathic battle: Professor. X VS Exodus! As we see mere memories from Xavier's old psyche, how will he remember all of it? Will he have to build a new? And what about the others? 

Collected Editions

  • Marvel: Your Universe Vol. 1-3


April 2008

May 2008

June 2008



Characters in volume

Concepts in volume

Locations in volume

Objects in volume

Authors in volume

Teams in volume

Disbanded in volume

Locations first appearance