
The Sinister Sorcerers

The Sinister Sorcerers

Trio of early magical foes of the Justice League of America.

The Sinister Sorcerers

The Sinister Sorcerers were a group of three magic experts (Simon Magus, Saturna and the Troll King) from an earth were magic was dominant. They successfull executed a spell than interchanged the magic of their world for the technology of earth 1, rending all technology unoperative on the world of the Justice League of America, but making than every spell and trick magic worked as real magic. Then they attacked the kingdoms of their world, Magic-Land, with weapons brought from earth one, conquering them easily. The Justice League traveled to Magic-Land, where they allied themselves with Merlin, then residing on Magic-Land, to reverse the enchantment. After that, Merlin made another spell to hide the original spell of the Sinister Sorcerers and set apart both worlds forever.

