
Szothstromael Family

Szothstromael Family

The Szothstromael Family has the demon Szothstromael as the patriarch. He fathered five children who all have a different mother.

Szothstromael Family

When the Szothstromael children Raphael, Roger, Lance, Lucy and Valera were born they were completely human in appearance but by their fifth birthday they were full adults. After their birth Szothstromael himself was banished to another dimension by Tiger King. Even from an early age the half-brothers and half-sisters of Szothstromael were aware of each other. As five year old adults the sought each other out, and worked to get their father out of the other dimension.

The siblings however could not agree with each other and Roger killed Raphael for it. Most of the others went on a killing spree that made them more and more demonic with each victim. Valera tried to stay low as her human side was stronger than the others. The murders attracted the Ghost who wanted to put a stop to the murders and with the help of King Tiger and their half-sister Valera were dispatched by King Tiger's magical blade.


March 1999

April 1999

May 1999

June 1999

August 1999



