


A warlike race of aliens that destroy the Earth in the future...unless it's all a cosmic hoax.


Major Story Arcs

The Kamado come from the planet Mikkaz. They are warriors, have extremely long lives, and control numerous planets.

For a long time their king is Ch'kri, a respected warrior king. His son Ch'kra, however, is a dissenter from their warrior ethos, and gains a cult following. He and his followers leave to avoid his father's displeasure. His father's men chased after him, but never catch up.

They eventually crash on Earth in the future (at least the future from when the story was told: they are supposed to land in October, 1983), and the prince takes sick. They take some humans captive to see if they can use their energy to cure the prince. Dr. Strange finds them and releases the captives, but is captured in turn. The other original Defenders--Namor, Hulk, and Silver Surfer--come to help. The defeat the Kamado, who all commit suicide, because they think the Defenders are agents of Ch'kri.

Ch'kri now needs a new heir, and according to his culture, he must erase all evidence of the old heir. He sends warships to Earth, who kill the entire population with a special gas. This gas, over time, actually erodes the entire Earth away into space dust.

Back in the present, however, the original Defenders are taken by a Time Agent to meet the Tribunal, which explains all of the above. They say that if the Defenders split up and never see each other again, it will prevent the destruction of the Earth. They agree to break up, a new group of heroes starts a different Defenders team, and all of the above is avoided.

However, Dr. Strange later tells Surfer and Hulk that he looked into it, and the whole thing was a cosmic hoax that was perpetrated on them for explained reasons. So perhaps the Kamado would never have come to Earth in the first place.

The Kamado have been seen in the background of large collections of aliens in a few other instances since then.


October 1983

November 1983
