
Time Variance Authority

Time Variance Authority

A society of far-flung future time-travelers that attempts to keep the time-stream in order.

Time Variance Authority
  • TVA


The Time Variance Authority is an infinitely vast bureaucracy that governs a significant number of realities in the ever growing multiverse. The organisation has dedicated itself to keeping tabs on every reality that exists. It controls a temporal dominion which is approximately two or three times as large as Kang's temporal empire. All employees are born and bred specifically to complete their functions. Every employee in the TVA has lifetime employment. It is an organization of faceless bureaucrats. Most TVA employees are cloned from the same genetic stalk to reduce disputes and improve efficiency. However, they do recruit new promising candidates such as Justice Peace.


In the very distant future, the Time Variance Authority (or TVA) was formed with the goal of monitoring realities throughout the multiverse and attempting to keep temporal interference to a minimum. Although the TVA claims responsibility and authority over the entire omniverse, they have continued territorial disputes with Kang the Conqueror and his Kang Dynasty, Alioth, Revelation, Congress of Realities, and the Delubric Consortium.

Saving Brooklynopolis

After the entire civilization of Brooklynopolis was threatened by a massive Zaniac outbreak occurred during World War VII, the TVA recruited Justice Peace and allowed him to travel back in time and eliminate Zaniac. With the aid of Thor, Justice Peace successfully terminated Zaniac and saved his future.

Time Trial of She-Hulk

When the millionaire Charles Czarkowski was put on trial for attempted murder, he claimed it was in self-defense due to the victim being a time-traveller that a message from the future warned him about. Charles sought representation from Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Holliway, the law firm where She-Hulk's alter-ego, Jen Walters, worked. Since the case was widely covered by the media and it was near-impossible to find an unbiased jury, GLK&H's head Artie Zix arranged to have the TVA bring people from the near past who were dead in the present at the time of the trial. One of the time-displaced jurors was Clint Barton, the hero known as Hawkeye and a close friend of Walters. Throughout the trial, Jen attempted to warn Barton about his impending death to no avail. The trial was interrupted when Czarkowski summoned a robot as a distraction to escape. Returning to his workshop, he disguised his appearance and sent his past self a warning. Realizing that he had become the person the message warned him about, Czarkowski attempted to send his past self a second message. He was stopped by Justice Peace, who forced Czarkowski into his time machine on behalf of the TVA so he would be shot by his past self, closing the paradox.

Following the resolution of this case, the TVA arrested Walters for her attempts to warn Hawkeye. She was brought to a trial presided in part by Mr. Mobius to decide if she was to be erased from existence. She-Hulk saw herself demoralized by a glimpse into a future a conflict of cosmic scales called the Reckoning War had sparked because of her, and pleaded guilty. However, the supervillain Clockwise then hijacked the trial and went on a rampage blasting the Retroactive Cannon. After She-Hulk stopped Clockwise, Mobius reconsidered the heroine's guilty plea, and subsequently ruled in her favor after the numerous testimonies of the people that She-Hulk helped beyond superheroics convinced him that removing her from the timeline would endanger the entire continuum. However, since She-Hulk was still guilty of tampering with time, Mobius decided to have one of the TVA's prisoners remanded into her custody as punishment, and she chose Two-Gun Kid.


At some point in a possible future, the X-Men administered Space Station X, a Sentinel head turned into a monitoring station, and possess aboard it a vault containing time-travel technology, kept untouched under an agreement with the Time Variance Authority, among other organizations. Those organizations were the only ones allowed to authorize entry to the vault. In order to protect the vault, Worthington Industries's Archangel Bots were posted there.



  • Null Time Sequencer - confiscated from Doctor Doom
  • Retroactive Cannon


  • Hopsikle
  • Cross-Time Central Express Railroad
  • Time-ship


No Caption Provided

Loki (2021)- The Time Variance Authority (TVA) is a bureaucratic organization that was supposedly created by the Time-Keepers, that is tasked with preserving the "Sacred Timeline" and preventing the creation of branching timelines caused by nexus events in accordance with the vision of the Time-Keepers. However, Sylvie Laufeydottir and Loki would eventually discover that the Time-Keepers were actually androids, making the true founder(s) of the TVA and their intention(s) unclear.


October 1986

May 1991

June 1991

July 1991

March 1992

May 1992

June 1992

July 1992

February 1994

March 1994

May 1994

January 1998

August 1999

April 2005

July 2005

December 2005

January 2006

February 2006

March 2006

April 2006

November 2006

June 2007

July 2011

April 2013

December 2015

December 2017

July 2018




















