


Violent Incident Control Enforcement

  • Violent Incident Control Enforcement
First issue:

V.I.C.E. (Violent Incident Control Enforcement) is the team that is sent in to do jobs no one wants to do.   Their sole job is to the keep the S#!T from meeting the Fan!
Team Members:
SWAT:  A telepath that uses other field agents like puppets with flawless precision.
Novo: Bron with no pain receptors, Novo has been converted into a cyborg.  As he gets injured they remove more an more of his organics.
Lucky: A pyrokinetic that can't generate more than a few sparks on his own.  However he can manipulate a flame that already exists with ease. Formerly an FBI Profiler
India: A ferrokinetic that manipulates a special metal known as Indium.  Only has 3 bullets worth of the substance but as stated in the series, that's 2 more than she needs.  In a relationship with a married man (until his death), then with Beck. Trained by the CIA as an assassin.
Beck:  A teen that manipulates energy similar to telekinesis.  Creates an indestructible force field.  Robbed 13 Gas Stations on the advice of his girlfriend but she was killed when a attendant fired at Beck and the buckshot richotted off and struck her.  Was sentenced to death but sentence was unable to be carried out due to his defense shield.  Assigned to V.I.C.E., falls in love with India.
Sol: A precog/chaos theorist and V.I.C.E.'s commanding officer.


October 2005

November 2005

December 2005

January 2006

February 2006

March 2006


