
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man (2013)

A new ongoing series starring a band of villains (Beetle, Boomerang, Overdrive, Shocker and Speed Demon) which spins out of the pages of Superior Spider-Man. Ex-professional baseball player Fred Meyers was one of the Mets, and now he's a different kind of loser--the kind who wears a boomerang on his forehead and gets punched by Spider-Man every other week. When the Chameleon contracts Boomerang to recover the head of the cyborg Silvermane from the Owl, what's a down-on-his-luck Australian super-villain to do? Get help, of course. Now Boomerang is at the helm of a new Sinister Six (though there are only five members on the roster) and doing his darnedest to keep his crew out of jail long enough to complete the job. His only obstacles seems to be a court-appointed parole officer and former Sinister Syndicate teammate, Abe Jenkins, the distrust of his teammates, and the small matter of not having the Maggia leader's head. Will the Chameleon have his? Tune in, true believers.

The series is written by Nick Spencer with art by Steve Lieber. It was released as part of Superior Spider-Month.

Collected Editions

  • Superior Foes of Spider-Man: Getting the Band Back Together (#1-6)
  • Superior Foes of Spider-Man: The Crime of the Century (#7-11)
  • Superior Foes of Spider-Man: Game Over (#12-17)
  • The Superior Foes of Spider-Man Omnibus (#1-17)


Characters in volume

Concepts in volume

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Objects in volume

Authors in volume

Teams in volume

Characters first appearance

Objects first appearance