
Black Orchid (Garcia)

Black Orchid (Garcia)

In the New 52, Black Orchid is Alba Garcia. An ex-Army Private who was given plant based powers after having both arms amputated. She is a member of ARGUS and the Justice League Dark.

Black Orchid (Garcia)
Real name:
Alba García
  • Private Alba Garcia
  • Subject 28
Birth date:
  • Chameleon
  • Leadership
  • Plant Control
  • Shape Shifter


There are 4 characters in DC Comics continuity who have taken on the mantle of Black Orchid. This page is for the 4th and current Black Orchid, Alba Garcia, from the New 52's Justice League Dark.

  • For the 1st Black Orchid, see: Susan Linden
  • For the 2nd Black Orchid, see: Flora Black
  • For the 3rd Black Orchid, see: Suzy


Black Orchid with the rest of the JLD
Black Orchid with the rest of the JLD

Alba Garcia was a Private in the Army. She had her arms amputated during an Army experiment known as Project: Ascension where she was known as Subject 28 and subsequently gained the powers she now uses as the Black Orchid.

John Constantine was particularly interested in Black Orchid's origins. She denies of having no relation to magic or anything of the like, but the sorcerer argues that her shape-shifting powers seem to tie in with the Web of Life, or the Red; and that her plant controlling abilities lead to a relation to the the web that connects all plant life, or the Green.

Nothing much from her past has been revealed yet, aside from the allusion to her involvement into a secret A.R.G.U.S project called Project: Ascension. She is still currently part of the Justice League Dark.


Alba Garcia was created by writer Jeff Lemire along with artist Mikel Janin for Justice League Dark #9.

Her real name was not revealed for several issues and was assumed to be the original version of the Black Orchid, until it was revealed to be a new version of the character all together.

Major Story Arcs

Justice League Dark

After dealing with Cain and his vampire army, Steve Trevor contacts John Constantine. Felix Faust and his cult are becoming a real threat in South America after obtaining a powerful magic item. If Constantine and the Justice League Dark can take him down and retrieve their operative Doctor Mist, Constantine gets five minutes in The Black Room (where ARGUS keeps magic artifacts). Trevor assigns Black Orchid to the team as well, to help them and keep an eye on them. Orchid accompanies the team (Constantine, Zatanna, Deadman and Andrew Bennet) to South America. After battling through Faust's forces, they battle Faust. Black Orchid sucker punches him, knocking him out. While she saves Doctor Mist, the team finds the object Faust was hiding was the long lost map to The Books of Magic.

They then decide to hide in Constantine's House of Mystery with the map to the books of magic. Black Orchid seems uneasy the entire time but she eventually realizes that its her duty to watch over all these questionable individuals and guard the map. It's also revealed that Dr. Mist and her have worked on several dangerous missions in the past and while discussing what to do and who to trust (ARGUS or the JLD), Constantine opens the map effectively setting Fausts plan into motion.

Faust gets his hands on the map and Dr. Mist betrays the team in order to lay claim to the book of the dead. The team splits up. Zatanna and Deadman follow Faust and Mist to South America while Constantine and Black Orchid head down to Slaughter Swamp where they're ambushed by Black Boris. It is during this confrontation that not only does Black Orchid have super strength and shape shifting abilities but she can control vegetation as well. She uses them to defeat Black Boris then her and Constantine head out to rejoin their teammates.

Elsewhere it's revealed that Nick Necro is behind all of this and that Madame Xanadu has been trying to rescue the one guy who could handle the books of magic without destroying us all, Timothy Hunter. Nick quickly defeats the JLD and strands Orchid, Constantine and Deadman in the Sahara desert. It is there where they hitch a ride with Frankenstein.

The JLD reunite with Madame Xanadu and are joined by new found allies in Timothy Hunter, Frankenstein, I Vampire and Amethyst. An all out war breaks out between the JLD and Necros forces! The JLD prevails and Orchid uses her shape shifting abilities to disguise herself as Timothy Hunter in order to trick Necro. The plan works and Orchid ends up close enough to deliver the finishing blow.

Death of Magic

With Necro defeated and Constantine distracted by locating Zatanna, Black Orchid decides to explore the House of Mystery along with Amethyst and Frankenstein. After getting lost inside and being attacked by skeletons, humanoid flies, and living statues Orchid stumbles onto a room where Constantine has been keeping tabs on almost every hero/villain, including herself. Outside the house Phantom Stranger appears and asks Constantine, Deadman and Xanadu for help.

After a heated discussion with ARGUS operatives, Constantine rescues the team from the House and they all go on an adventure to another dimension to rescue Timothy and Zatanna. Once arriving, each member experiences a differrent change in their appearance, powers or personality. Black Orchid in paticular transforms into a giant hulking purple monster. Turns out they landed in a dimension where magic and science are at war with one another! Humans, through science, have nearly exterminated magic and it's creatures. This world is called Epoch and one of its human guardians attacks the JLD when they cross over. Black Orchid puts up a good fight but due the changes she underwent when arriving, she is defeated and the team is captured.

The portal connecting the two worlds causes a cataclysm in Epoch as the energy being released is too much! This allows the heroes to escape their captors and foemulate a plan of ecsape. Elsewhere Timothy and Zatanna are leading a rebellion with the last of Epochs magical creatures! When the war is over and the crisis averted the heroes return home. Black Orchid turns back to normal, along with the others. She decides to remain with the JLD and leave ARGUS, much to the dismay of Steve Trevor.

Secret Six

In the remotest mountains of Tibet there is a gathering of some very powerful individuals tied to mysticism and the occults. Among this group of individuals is none other than Black Orchid! They are there to discuss what to do with the mysterious Black Alice and her unique abillities to absorb and imitate magic. Apparently her powers are causing a rift that will eventually free ancient evils locked away. Black Orchid is one of a group of individuals (Cheetah, Faust, Klarion) sent to retrieve the girl. Their mission fails when the girl awakens and imitates their powers, using them to defeat the team.

Other Media


DC Super Hero Girls (TV and Web Shorts)

Black Orchid in DB Super Hero Girls
Black Orchid in DB Super Hero Girls

Black Ordchid appears as a background character in the web series.

DC Super Hero Girls: Super Hero High

Black Orchid in DC Super Hero Girls: Super Hero High
Black Orchid in DC Super Hero Girls: Super Hero High

Black Orchid is a background character in the film. She has no lines in the movie.

DC Super Hero Girls: Super Hero of the Year

Black Orchid in DC Super Hero Girls: Super Hero of the Year
Black Orchid in DC Super Hero Girls: Super Hero of the Year

Black Orchid is a background character in the film. She has no lines in the movie.

Justice League Dark

Black Orchid in Justice League Dark.
Black Orchid in Justice League Dark.

Black Orchid appears in the film as a manifestation of the House of Mystery. She aids the team and bonds with Dead Man. At the end of film she is shown as a member of the team.

She is voiced by Colleen Villard.

DC Super Hero Girls: Intergalactic Games

Black Orchid in DC Super Hero Girls: Intergalactic Games
Black Orchid in DC Super Hero Girls: Intergalactic Games

Once again, Black Orchid appears as a background character in the film (as a student of Super Hero School High), making cameos during the movie. She has no speaking lines.


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