Thor: Son of Asgard
Start year:

Before he claimed the throne, before he battled the dragon Fafnir, before he became worthy of mighty Mjolnir, he was simply Thor, one of many young sons of Asgard. In a saga of courage, adversity, revenge and brotherhood, Thor faces perils that will challenge his mettle as a young warrior, and trials that will test and temper his immortal spirit. Sent on a Great Quest by All-Father Odin, Thor and a fellowship of other young godlings – Balder, Sif and Loki – face their coming of age in this epic story written by celebrated manga writer Akira Yoshida and beautifully illustrated by newcomer Greg Tocchini. Yoshida was breaking in to the American comics industry and Marvel asked him to pitch them something. The result was Son of Asgard series.

The series was originally intended to be a 6 issue limited-series, but because of popular demand, it was reverted to an ongoing series, lasting 12 issues in total. According to Yoshida there were some plans to continue the series up to 18 issues if the sales were strong enough.

Originally the series was to be written in the classic style of Jack Kirby`s Tales of Asgard, but in the end Marvel decided to use modern language instead of the familiar "Thy´s" and "Thou`s" to make the series more appealing to younger readers.

Collected in Thor: Son of Asgard.


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